Saturday, November 5, 2011

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security

Gale Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security
12.60MB | FS-DF | Hardcover: 1300 pages | Publisher: Gale; 1 edition (November 18, 2003) | Language: English
fileserve | Depositfiles

1 comment:

Chipollo said...

Of the approximately 800 to 850 articles in this set, I have reviewed nearly forty entries across a range of subtopics. Although I find the A-Z format to be cumbersome when attempting to link information related to a particular topic, the overall organization is logical and friendly to the average reader. The photos and article content make the set as readable as many single topic books. It is hard to turn the page without finding interesting or valuable reading on a topic recently in the news.