Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Design Sketching

Design Sketching | 66.20MB | FS-DF
104 pages | Publisher: KEEOS Design Books AB; 3rd edition (2007) | Language: English
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1 comment:

Chipollo said...

Design is explained, with the means and manner for successes and failures illuminated by engaging stories, true examples and personal anecdotes. In Sketching User Experiences, Bill Buxton clarifies the processes and skills of design from sketching to experience modeling, in a lively and informative style that is rich with stories and full of his own heart and enthusiasm. At the start we are lost in mountain snows and northern seas, but by the end we are equipped with a deep understanding of the tools of creative design.--Bill Moggridge, Cofounder of IDEO and author of Designing Interactions