Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life | 5.56MB | FS-DF-BS
240 pages | Publisher: Columbia University Press | Language: English
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1 comment:
"Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life, Victoria Rosner's new study of the shaping role played by interior design in the evolution of literary modernism, is a book of enormous interest, refinement, and originality. The overarching subject -- the relation between psychic life and private space -- is a profound one; the treatment of individual authors -- Wilde, Woolf, Strachey, Forster -- full of insight. It reminds one in a way of one of those stylish Omega Workshop textiles Rosner describes so well-being colorful, refreshing, and immediately engaging, but also wrought with intelligen ce and wit. A superb book on the history of modernism in Britain between the wars." -- Terry Castle, editor of The Literature of Lesbianism
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